Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ironman Triathalon

Two friends of mine from work ran in this years Ironman in Panama City Beach Florida. This is a gruesome triathalon of 140.6 miles. 2.4 miles swim in the ocean, then 112 miles on bike, and finishing with a 26.2 mile run. I watched them on streaming video which was very cool, you could punch in their number and get their stats regarding how long they did the swim, the bike and run, enabling me to keep up with how they were doing. Awesome coverage. They both crossed the finish line together at around 13 hours and 10 minutes. It was fun watching them come across the finish line, can't wait to see them when they get home.
Congrats you guys! WOOHOO!

Dressed As A Journalist

How true this is....

Monday, October 06, 2008

Caulking And Staining My House

Yep, that's me up on the roof staining my house, with only a few sides left to go. I started in July, and I'm still working on it, but I've only been working on it on my days off, plus I've been caulking and putting two coats of stain on, so actually it's all good. It is such a good feeling of accomplishment getting this done.
With my house all caulked and stained it should save me a lot on heating this winter. After working on the outside of the house, I'm starting in the basement, I have the R-19 insulation already to insulate the downstairs and I can't wait to get started on that project, but want to finish the outside first with the good weather. I'm hoping for an Indian summer, since it froze last night.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Awesome Times

My son came to town this weekend for a wedding and we had the best time.

It was so fun seeing this group of friends all together, and we all had bombs, I forgot the complete name, but it was a shot of Jameson whiskey, a half pint of Guinness, and then you drop a shot of Baileys cream in, then shoot it down, if you don't drink it right away the cream makes the last of the drink awful. I was preparing myself to vomit, not feeling I'd be able to do it, but it was placed in front of me so I thought what the hell. It was very delicious, really. Quite the combo of tastes, it was my first one and it was really quite good.

We sang karaoke and had the best time playing Rock Star, what a fun game, I can see how this game could get habit forming, probably just like Mario.

All good things must come to an end as they say, the weekend came and went too quickly.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

I Filled My Dishwasher!

Nick came home and I got to meet Sara, yes Sara without the H. ;) Will it be my Sarah and Nick's Sara? Not that either of them are things to be owned, but to differentiate between them? Or Sara east and Sarah west, I digress. However it was wonderful meeting you Sara!

They are so used to warmer weather living back east, and of course it has to be overcast today. I do hope that it warms up a bit for the rest of their vacation here.

It was fun having them here, I do love the house being full of laughter and fun times. I actually filled my dishwasher!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye Schatz

My ex-mother in law died last Friday, a truly wonderful lady, it was a very emotional weekend. I flew out to New York Saturday, the services were Sunday then I flew home Monday.

It was hard for me to go, and I almost didn't go using work as an excuse, because of the obvious "ex" factor, but I woke up with a start Saturday morning realizing that I wanted to be there, I am so very glad that I went.

My father in law died not too long ago and he would often refer to her as Schatz, translated darling or sweetheart. It is sad to see this generation leave us for so many reasons, I will keep both of their memories alive in my heart.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"The Total Transformation"

I've been hearing an advertisement for a few months now about how to get your abusive and disrespectful child back on track. Called the "total transformation" correcting behavior problems, back talking, and defiance. I don't have any bad behaving children, but this ad has made me very curious as to what this program is all about. What works beyond what has been tried for the last billion years?

Maybe it's a brain chip, the kid gets zapped if they get out of line, or perhaps the zapper if they go out of any area deemed a no go. I can see the guy pushing the button now, 5--4--3--2--...hope they aren't in a bad mood?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The memory of 911 is still very vivid to me, as it should be to every American. I wonder how many are letting this event fade into the sunset. Remembering where I was during the time, I was working an International Convention at the Colorado Convention Center. With many participants having family that worked and lived in Manhattan, wanting to get home and were stuck having to find alternate travel to get back. Many large screens were put up to keep everyone informed of what was happening. My sister in law told of how she heard about the plane hitting the building as she worked inside only a few blocks from ground zero and how she had walked into work not that long beforehand wondering how a plane could do this on such a clear day.

This also being the date that my ex left me for floozy while working the Dave Matthews benefit concert at Red Rocks. It makes this date all the more uglier. Actually it was a good thing that it all happened, or was finally out in the open rather than sneaking around behind my back, no telling how much longer all the crap would have been going on.

September 11th, yes, is a very significant date to me on so many levels.

Bless all of the troops fighting for our freedoms and security and keeping us safe in this dangerous world.

I am so very proud to be an American.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Natural Birth

I attended a conference reviewing natural birth verses inductions and C/Sections. I really enjoyed the wealth of information and seeing people that I hadn't seen in a long time, along with many that I work with every day. There were many good speakers and it was fun knowing alot of the speakers being in the business for so long.
I had to laugh at myself through part of the talk, as while they were talking about the natural progression of the birth process, I was secretly thinking about how much I like taking care of the patients that have lots of problems needing IV's, monitors and that have many issues.
While it's good to have a normal healthy birth experience, I think it's the feeling that I get knowing I'm making that important difference for that mom and her family.
For those laboring mom's that truly have a natural birth, there still are many things that a nurse can do to enhance her experience. It's nice to have that variety in laboring patients to choose from.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fun Visit

I got to see some of my favorite cousins a few weeks ago, what a fun visit, although it was too brief, but I'll take what I can get.
They went river rafting down in Buena Vista, which is only an hour or so away from me, so I was able to drive down to meet up with them. They treated me to a wonderful dinner, thanks, and it was just a great time with lots of laughter and stories.

David and Gail's New Home

A few days ago, we went up to see the sculpture exhibit in Loveland, but got there too late for the show, but just in time for family visits. We obviously were on mountain time, a term I use for being a tad bit late often times, and had fun just relaxing and hanging out in Boulder, actually doing laundry but it was a wonderful day. Any time I spend with my daughter is great, it doesn't matter what we do, just spending time together is lots of fun for me. I'd love to spend time with my son as well, but that will have to wait a bit. Actually, we started the day out having an awesome breakfast at Lucille's, a great cajin breakfast place, yum, and thanks to Kim who treated!
This is a picture of the gorgeous view which is Loveland in the distance. What a great place they have, it just has a good feel to it, and it's great that they live so much closer now than when they lived down in Durango.
We stayed and ended up salsa dancing late into the evening, which was a great time too.

Friday, August 08, 2008


OMG! Walking out from work this evening in Denver, I was caught in a major downpour. On my way out I met up with one of the housekeepers and asked if I could have a plastic bag and was thinking I was pretty smart, heh. I ripped the hole in the bottom for my face as usual for those things, and started out. Now the rain was really coming down hard and fast, I only had to walk three blocks, but the water was pretty deep too, I had to walk through over the ankle deep streams of fast running water to get out to my car, I was only half way out to my car and was already soaking wet to the core. The hail started hurting my head and the wind caught the plastic bag and blew it off me, so I put it back on me, after getting more wet, but still felt a bit protected.
After making it out to the car, driving home with all of the water on the road was slow going but everything is good. I couldn't wait to get home and peel off the soaked clothing and get into something dry. It's dry here at home, it was only raining in Denver.
Wish the rain would fall in my neck of the woods....

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Squirrel Is Winning This First Round

Well, things are kind of on hold, my big ladder isn't tall enough to reach the north side of the house. Even climbing as high as the second to the top step. I still need about 5 or 7 more feet.

Yeah, I'm able to still work on a few other areas, but I can't reach the big hole that the squirrel is currently living in to deal with it, and that's killing me. I do plan to see if I can extend the ladder safely, I'll be checking on that next week. For now I'll just finish a few other areas, and start checking into who I can enlist to reach the areas that I can't. My knee was starting to hurt me, so I felt a bit nervous climbing up the ladder so worked on the decking today.

I truly thought I'd be able to knock out most of all that I had to do on the house, but it's been a slow process. I am very happy with the amount of work that I have accomplished though. It's looking very nice.

Something interesting, much of the higher areas on the siding smelled of old smoke, probably from the fires from years back when I was evacuated. This while no other fires or BBQ's were going on in my canyon either. I hope that all of the two coats of stain help that, and strengthen and protect the siding.

Tomorrow, it's off to buy more stain and more of that expandable foam stuff. I have gone through four 5 gallon cans of stain already of the high end Behr stain. In past years, I've sprayed the stain on, this time around I've been brushing it on pushing the stain into the wood and that seems better at conditioning the wood. Also, in previous years I've only done one coat, this time I'm putting on two coats, what a difference. Many areas were never caulked either, so it's been a good feeling getting that accomplished as well.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sucking It Up

I do believe I know now where the saying, "Suck It Up" came from, and the true meaning.

After putting the first coat on the house, it's obvious that it will need a second coat. The wood is so dry it's 'sucking it up'. So I will have to do the same and suck it up doing it twice. This using the top of the line Behr brand. My poor home has been neglected longer than it should have been, so I'm paying for it now.

Also, the weather has been perfect today, after complaining yesterday, not too hot and not raining, I've been working non stop since this morning wanting to get as much done in these perfect working conditions, but I've got to take a break, just a short one.

When I go back out, I'll do the upper sections using the ladder, I've been using the roller and brush as the sprayer wasn't working out. Man I hope I can finish the south part of the house today, that might be asking too much, but at least the first coat. It's looking pretty good too :)

I'll definitely have to buy more stain, if I have to do a second coat. Sigh $$$. I've almost emptied the 5 gallon container and I'm still working on the first coat on only the area above the deck. Just doing the siding, I won't be able to do the deck until I replace a few boards.

I've been listening to HOOAH!!! RADIO while working, pretty good station.

Thanks to Mary for the reminder to crank up the tunes, that really helps my motivation. Can't boogie too much while up on the ladder though lol. Okay, back on it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Orange Swirls

I stopped to take a picture as the swirls of paint color mixing was so pretty. After it was mixed was a different story though, it turned out to be a cheese orange, not quite the right color I was looking to put on the house.

My daughter would probably love the orange color, I will save it and modify it a bit and use it on the out buildings like the chicken coop. I didn't want the neighbors to feel like they were driving by a big chunk of Tillamook though and I have enough critters living in my house like squirrels that I will attack next week, didn't want to feel like a mouse going into the cheese lol.

So another trip down the hill to get the right color, I'm much happier with the color now. If the weather will only cooperate, it's either burning the skin off you hot, or raining it seems. I was able to get two different areas done, or one area done and a good start on the other.

Not looking forward to moving the ladder tomorrow, but it'll be good getting it off the deck.
It's such a good feeling putting the stain on the dry wood, as I stroke it on it sucks it in being so dry. It's also nice to finally get to the painting part, I've been caulking and doing the prep work forever it seems.

Before I do the deck however, I plan to replace a few redwood boards. One crucial one for support needs to be replaced pronto. It's good that I'm really scrutinizing what needs to be done and see that stuff needs repair before something goes missed and turns into a bigger job with more expense. Definitely a good feeling.

I do plan on working on the part of the house that won't be in the sun, and move around to the other side of the house as the sun hits the other side of the house. Working out in the sun today just drained me, I sat down and passed out from the heat I think. I drank a big glass of water and that was all I needed. ;)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Timely Break

I found myself outside on the top of a metal ladder during a thunderstorm. I was so wanting to get to a finishing point, or to get done with what I was working on, but thought better of it. So I climbed down from the ladder and thought I could do some of the work off the ladder, my mind wandered to remembering my superstitious dad not letting me count railroad cars or walk under ladders, well this remembered while walking under the ladder, so not wanting to totally be fucked, I came indoors. Here's a picture of my dad with my daughter when he was an older guy.

I'll wait until the storm passes, and will take a break and check some of my favorite blogs. ;) I've gotten alot done today which makes me feel very good, it's so easy to get distracted and just enjoy relaxing around here. I love my home but want to get these projects completed. I will post before and after pictures soon I hope, especially the after part.

While checking out some of my military sites, I came across this very awesome online radio station check it out. It changes with every DJ;

HOOAH!!!! Radio

Friday, July 18, 2008

Bear Snack N Go

I came home to see my dumpster knocked over and trash strewn all over. This thanksfully is only the second time it's ever happened.
Kinda reminds me of the cartoon about two polar bears looking at an igloo and one says to the other, "I just love these things, crunchy on the outside creamy on the inside." Well the bears got the creamy middle this week. While walking around picking up the trash, I really noticed how dry everything is. Even the grasses seemed to be snapping and crunching as I walked along. I hope I get a good soaking rain at some point, wishful thinking.....

Monday, July 14, 2008

Bucksnort Saloon

The beloved Bucksnort Saloon

They have a new beer on tap called Moose Drool, it was very tasty.

They had a Navy SEAL reunion here according to this, man to have had these warriors so close to my home and not know it, damn.

Crystal Lake

A girlfriend came up and we went on a walk only a couple miles down the road. I am so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of our world.

River at Crystal Lake

These videos make clear the reason for no tubing, although I don't think it would stop either of my kids heh....

The river was quite high, we passed by a few folks fishing, makes me wish I had my fishing pole.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Fireworks Flags and Celebrations!

Happy Birthday America!

Fireworks With The 1812 Overture

Never Forget Our Brave And Courageous Warriors

I visited the grave of Danny Dietz the other day, I can't believe it's been 3 years already. Remembering all of the SEAL's that lost their lives on June 28th 2005, and all that have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom, I salute you all and raise my glass in your honor.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Denver International Airport

I picked up my daughter at the airport, this is the security area where you can't re-enter after leaving the 'secured area'. Look at the greasy goo on the wall, you can see where the security guards stand next to the wall there.
Pretty disgusting that they allow this wall to get this filthy.
Oh, and it was fun picking up my daughter, she brought back lots of goodies of bagels and pastrami from New York. ;)

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jamie's Spiritual Gathering And Some Henna Art

Jamie had a fun gathering where we all wished her well, to have an easy delivery at home, and for her baby to have good health happiness and love. We brought beads and charms representative, and had a wonderful time together.

Jamie had invited a Henna artist and we all enjoyed being her canvas;
If you look closely you can see Ziggy moving;

I had never had a Henna tattoo, here's my first one. It's a Phoenix;
Here is Danica's;

and another one;
Jonella had a Butterfly drawn on her shoulder;

Angie chose her ankle;


This was one awesome hell of a cat;

Here the cat is drinking tea using a paw;

I want to have a Henna party now!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Solstice!

Mark and Marty were some of the many that took advantage of the open mic, with Bob on drums. When taking this video, I stopped it too soon as Marty took off on a fabulous spontaneous jam session with his bass, sorry that I missed capturing that. It was alot of fun seeing old friends that I hadn't seen in a long time. Good food drinks and friends and the weather was a delight. There was a yule log burning out back and Cheryl's cajun cooking and Ben's liquor concoctions with Martini's were great. My daughter wasn't able to come, so missed her musical talents, both my kids were missed everyone asked me about both of them. MKO and Cheryl really put on a great party, it gets better every year if that's possible. Catching up with what everyone was doing was so much fun, I really do miss them dearly. Getting up at 4:30 AM and having a very hectic day at work I tired early and elected to go home.

I almost didn't go knowing that the asshole would be there, but went because I knew folks would be there that I wanted to see, enough to put up with the asshole. While it was wonderful seeing friends, the asshole was flaming, walking past me saying 'Hi Jan', then chuckling along with the girl that was with him when I ignored him thinking it funny I guess. I just walk away not wanting to make a scene. I will never know nor do I care why he wants to have this contact, I delete the emails, and see his name on caller ID, why he thinks I want any contact with him is incredible, what a flaming asshole. Having to pay him half the worth of my big pension retirement after being at the hospital for over 30 years, and I'm not even retired yet, and his lying at mediation angers me to no end. I obviously won't go on about all the crap here.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me!

I had alot of fun last night. I was taken out to a Mexican restaurant for salsa dancing, good food and great company. With drinking the twirling was a bit much but fun all the same.
I woke up this morning to a beautifully decorated cake with fruits that were delicious. thanks for the fun celebration, it was the best.

The end to a perfect birthday, my son called me ;) to wish me a Happy Birthday. Thanks honey.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

May Day!

Happy May Day! I remember when I was in elementary school dancing around the Maypole. Weaving in and around other kids dancing going the opposite direction, the ribbons looked pretty tangled when we were done, but what a fun time that was. I wonder why we don't see this fun practice done much anymore.
May mentally gives me thoughts of warmth and springtime flowers, birds singing and the wonderful smells of all the new growth around us. Funny that it's snowing today lol. This snow should be gone quickly though, and oh how I wish that I had my grass seed down to fill in some of the bare spots in my yard. Damn.
Today is also a very important day as it's my daughter's birthday! It's fun to tell folks that I have a Mayday baby ;)
Happy Birthday honey!
I'm going to spend the afternoon and evening with her and we'll have a fun celebration with good friends, spaghetti with a killer italian sausage sauce, asparagus, garlic bread, cake, ice cream and wine.
I loaded up the car last night before the snow started so I wouldn't have to do it in the snow. Man am I glad I did that. I have about 4 inches of snow, not alot of accumulation, but it's really coming down, a typical spring storm.
I wish my son could be here with us, we'll bring him to this fun celebration in our hearts.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's Day Void

Well, today is/has been April Fool's Day.
I feel a bit sad, that I never heard from my son who always 'gets me' on this date.
I know he's busy doing what he's doing, sigh.
I almost feel like we have a silent connection thinking of each other on this date ;)

I spoke with my daughter today, and told her that I haven't been 'fooled' today, and she told me "well the day isn't over yet".

I usually come up with some random silliness to pull on someone but just couldn't think of anything that wasn't lame.

I guess there's always next year.....

Monday, March 31, 2008

April Fool's Day Eve.....

Well, I'm gearing myself up for the April Fool's Day jokes that will I'm sure be played on me.
It's just surprising how a person can get caught off guard even while being aware. So many times I've forgotten, or have been thinking about something else, well this year it'll be different.

I only wish I could think of a fun one this year to play on my kids. Damn it, they always see right through me.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Woman Visits Lion

This woman finds a lion. Yes, that’s right, a lion. The lion is sick and malnourished. She spends the next few years nursing it back to health. Once healthy, she calls the local zoo and says, “Hey, I have a lion here that I found sick and nursed back to health. Do you have space for it?” Sure enough the zoo shows up and gets the lion. They get it accustomed to his new home and when he is settled in, the lady comes for a visit. Check out this link;


Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Elk Are Back!

The Elk are back! By the time I got my camera out they had gone down the hill more, but what beautiful animals they are.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Nothing says "I support our troops" like burning the flag at a rally in front of a recruiting station.


This is an insult to all brave service men, women, their families and to those of us that have a brain.
The First Amendment gives the City of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money. I hope all federal funds are held, this display of unpatriotic BS is outrageous. To not want to allow the Marines in this city to have a recruitment center is so very wrong.
For the City Council to allow this Code Pink hate group to park on a city street unapposed in front of the Marine Recruitment Center showing their support for Code Pink's beliefs is Ridiculous. Plus the preferential treatment given to this group, others may want to have this parking space but are denied because of it being given freely to Code Pink.
I do believe in the freedom of speech, however this location blocks traffic as well, see photo below it's ridiculous. To also be allowed a foghorn is more than distracting I'm sure to traffic and other pedestrians wanting to pass by.
By protesting in this manner those that want to join in our military, are prevented/blocked by these protesters stomping all over their rights to enter. You can compare this type of protesting to the pro life supporters blocking those wanting to go into Planned Parenthood.
Different cause, same ideology, except here there are no limits to how close they can get......

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chief Petty Officers Nathan H. Hardy and Michael E. Koch

Navy SEAL's who died in Iraq .....

Honor the Fallen ............. February 4, 2008.

Navy SEAL's

Blackfive link

God bless Nate and Mike, and thank you for your service, in protecting me, my family and our country. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family and your teammates as well still out there fighting the fight. Warriors like you with your integrity and honor make me so proud to be an American. We need more of the likes of you representing our country to others throughout the world.Regarding the angry American (refer to Blackfive below); HOOYAH! Thanks for your service as well, it's warriors like you that make me proud. We need to keep up the good fight.

Thanks to Blackfive:
Last Sunday while most of America was enjoying the Superbowl several members of our Task Force were commencing an assault on a terrorist stronghold in Iraq. During the assault two of our brothers from the Navy were shot and killed while clearing a building that was occupied by terrorist insurgents. Ultimately, the building was reduced and all of the terrorists in it were destroyed by the assault force. Remember these names, Mike and Nate. They were good men doing honorable work in the name of freedom. The terrorists they sought to destroy were responsible for unspeakable acts of evil including the construction of improvised explosive devices and explosives to equip homicide bombers. For those of you who may not understand the enemy we face out here let me remind you that the previous week this group of terrorists took two innocent and unwitting women who had Downs Syndrome, rigged them with explosive vests and detonated them 20 minutes apart in a crowded market causing several deaths and hundreds of injuries. These terrorists used innocent people as unwitting vehicles to destroy more innocent lives. There is good and there is evil in this world. The enemy we face is evil. Mike and Nate were fighting on the side of good to prevent further acts of evil that would result in the loss of more innocent lives. The next time you pray I ask you to thank God for giving Mike and Nate the talent and skill that made them great warriors and thank God that he gave them the heart to apply those God given talents to destroy evil and further the cause of freedom in a land far from their home. Thank God for men like Mike and Nate. Their work is done here now, but there are many of us who will honor their sacrifice by continuing the fight against evil terrorists. They will be remembered through our actions.
For any of you out there who are doubting the validity of this war and the evil that resides in our enemy I ask you to study your history again. Over the last 20+ years dating back to the bombing of the Marine Corps Barracks in Lebanon, various factions of radical Islamic Terrorists have been committing heinous acts of terrorism against the free world. We are fighting the same enemy here. The brethren of an evil ideology that spawned the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001 claiming almost 3,000 innocent lives. Take time to reflect on the type of evil that would put explosive vests on innocent women with Downs Syndrome and use them to kill and maim other innocent people. While the American media strives everyday to rewrite the history of the most generous nation in the free world and cast disparity over all that we do as a Nation men like Mike and Nate are giving their lives to make sure the real history doesn't repeat itself. While the American media strives daily to erase the memory of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and paint this war as an unjust occupation of a sovereign nation men like Mike and Nate are out here hunting down and destroying the enemies of the very freedom that allows our media to try and discredit us. Terrorism is real, evil is real, this war is real and real men and women are in this fight because righteousness and freedom are worth fighting for.
If you don't support this war I'm calling you out. I've had enough of people sitting in their living rooms watching the lying media and jumping on the bandwagon against this war. Don't ever say to me, "I support the troops, but not the war." You might as well be telling me that I'm committing a crime. You are in effect saying that my cause is unjust and everything I believe in is a lie. I have held my tongue in the past, but I will never allow you to have it both ways again. You cannot support me if you do not support this war. I am this war. It embodies everything that I believe in. If you believe that what we are doing here is wrong then you are in effect supporting the evil we seek destroy. If you believe I'm wrong for trying to stop evil people from taking more innocent lives then I fear there is no hope for you. If you choose to dishonor my service and the sacrifice of my fallen brothers by taking a position against this war you are free to make that choice thanks to guys like Mike and Nate, but don't expect me to sit idly by and bite my tongue while you do it. Do it in my presence and be prepared to try and support your feeble position while I enlighten everyone else on the reality of this war and the nature of the enemy we face. I will ensure that you look like the fool that you are.
The stuff I'm seeing out here you won't see on Oprah Winfrey. I'm seeing really evil people doing really evil things and I'm doing everything in my power to stop them. There's nothing wrong or unjust about that.
_________ the Angry American

Thursday, February 07, 2008


What a beautiful baby! Congrats to mom, dad, grandma and grandpa!
So glad that I could be a part of welcoming Calvin into this world of ours. ;)

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Groundhog Day

6 more weeks of winter!

The shadow knows.....

American Gladiators

Today they had try outs to be a contestant on the show American Gladiators.

What a fun show that was in the 80's, it's great that they are bringing it back. The line for these tryouts was long and wide, wrapping around the building and down the hill.
Watching these potential contestants go through the motions of chin lifts, running, push ups and jumps was fun.

Some of these guys had so many muscles you'd think it would slow them down.

Greta Garbo

An unforgettable face... perfect bone structure...hypnotic eyes... an impenetrable gaze... husky voice...a face capable of registering everything and yet...
Greta Garbo was the ultimate Hollywood star, envied by millions of fans and co-workers. She was a woman who set her own standards and became a legend in her own time...
A friend compared me to Greta Garbo today......not for all of the above lol, but because I don't get out much ;) as Garbo didn't either I guess in her private life.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Wedding Site

Wow, I was just asked to have my home used as a place to get married at this summer.
I am very honored that they want to use my house. Wow. How cool is that.
It'll be fun to see the house all gussied up with flowers and ribbons with good music and wonderful people all enjoying themselves. Yes I'm very up for it. house the Love shack ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Peter Frampton take two

Peter Frampton performing on Fox news
Just when you don't think it could get any worse....
Peter Frampton doing a Geico commercial

Man does this make me feel old.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

All Being Together

Having both my daughter and son home over the holidays was my best present ever. Sarah gave me the original of her design for my son's tattoo, which representing both of them is fabulous. I have it hanging in my livingroom and reminds me of them both.

We really made the most of it and had so much fun. We had a party here and invited everyone and just enjoyed to the max. It was freezing
outside, but had a roaring campfire that was so hot we had to stand at a distance, and the hot tub, people were jumping out making snow angels. Inside we devoured much liquor and food and had the best time. I wimped out and went to bed around 4 am, folks were still partying. It was fun seeing alot of guys that I hadn't seen in a long time.