Saturday, December 31, 2005

One Year Mark

Well it's been one year ago tomorrow that I started this blog. I have really enjoyed writing to this site, something that has surprised me, but also something that has helped me in keeping a journal of sorts.
Alot has happened in this past year, good and bad. I love that my children are around me and that they are doing so extremely well, both of them.
The kids will be going to the 'skate the lake' New Years celebration, while I sit with good friends and drink and go off my diet for a cheat or two. There will be fireworks over the lake at 9 PM and again at midnight, then they will come back to the house and we'll all gather to play games. My son flys out early New Year's Day, sigh. I'm terrible with goodbyes, I hope he will be able to come out again for my daughter's graduation.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Surprise Surprise

My son surprised me by coming home arriving on the Solstice a few days ago. It seems that everyone knew about his coming home except for me. Surprises are a funny thing, they're great if you're "in on it", but not so great if you're not. Although, I'm loving that he's home.
It is so wonderful having both kids home, I'm just loving this.
Family, friends, food, and drink, a wonderful combination.
Well, my kids can surprise me anytime, anywhere, any way and any place.