Thursday, April 28, 2005


I had a Frank Zappa tune in my head for most of the day yesterday.
Most times that can be a very bad thing having a tune in your head played over and over, but Zappa has a way of drenching your thoughts in a most splendid way.
I miss Frank Zappa, what a talent he was. No one is even trying to copy his type of music, but could they....

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Springtime In The Rockies....

Last week we had another springtime snow storm which brought much needed water to our area. With all of the fire dangers and evacuations that we've had to do in past years, we are very happy to see these wet storms that really soak into the ground.
This week the snow is pretty much gone and my flowers are starting to come up. I had planted alot of bulbs last fall and it's fun watching them coming up. Now I just need to ward off the deer and critters from eating them. I'm also wanting to plant a vegetable garden this year. Last year I didn't because of my motorcycle accident, but I'm fine now and plan to plant away soon. It should help my dieting having fresh lettuce and spinach and the like coming up to add to our salads.
I just love spending time outside working in my flower beds, it's my solitude.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sap For Foolery

My son pulled quite the April Fool's Gag on me yesterday. Had me going strong until he called me and said that phrase that we all know so well, "April Fool's!"

Even when I knew it was April Fool's Day and had played a gag on my daughter! Took me a bit of time, but then remembered how only the year before both kids got dad and I good with yet another April Fool's joke.

I'll be ready next year....