Thursday, May 12, 2005

Yeah Right

In one of my jobs, nursing, it's time for our newly hired boss to get her evaluation, or summed up by her boss. Everyone has been submitting info like mad as there really are alot of issues "terrible is as terrible does". Now her boss wants names attached to the complaints or input. I don't think so, as if nothing is done (most likely) and there is your name sitting there, life as you know it would be hell. So why do I bother submitting issues if nothing will be done, maybe somewhere in the back of my mind I keep hoping that the right thing is done. If we're stuck with her, maybe she can improve. Maybe by the shear number of complaints (and I know there are at least close to 40 ) oh well. How do folks of this ilk keep getting promoted or hired, and good people passed over?
I know I know. I have a few days off now thankfully. I think I'll go play outside.

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