Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Natural Birth

I attended a conference reviewing natural birth verses inductions and C/Sections. I really enjoyed the wealth of information and seeing people that I hadn't seen in a long time, along with many that I work with every day. There were many good speakers and it was fun knowing alot of the speakers being in the business for so long.
I had to laugh at myself through part of the talk, as while they were talking about the natural progression of the birth process, I was secretly thinking about how much I like taking care of the patients that have lots of problems needing IV's, monitors and that have many issues.
While it's good to have a normal healthy birth experience, I think it's the feeling that I get knowing I'm making that important difference for that mom and her family.
For those laboring mom's that truly have a natural birth, there still are many things that a nurse can do to enhance her experience. It's nice to have that variety in laboring patients to choose from.

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