Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye Schatz

My ex-mother in law died last Friday, a truly wonderful lady, it was a very emotional weekend. I flew out to New York Saturday, the services were Sunday then I flew home Monday.

It was hard for me to go, and I almost didn't go using work as an excuse, because of the obvious "ex" factor, but I woke up with a start Saturday morning realizing that I wanted to be there, I am so very glad that I went.

My father in law died not too long ago and he would often refer to her as Schatz, translated darling or sweetheart. It is sad to see this generation leave us for so many reasons, I will keep both of their memories alive in my heart.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"The Total Transformation"

I've been hearing an advertisement for a few months now about how to get your abusive and disrespectful child back on track. Called the "total transformation" correcting behavior problems, back talking, and defiance. I don't have any bad behaving children, but this ad has made me very curious as to what this program is all about. What works beyond what has been tried for the last billion years?

Maybe it's a brain chip, the kid gets zapped if they get out of line, or perhaps the zapper if they go out of any area deemed a no go. I can see the guy pushing the button now, 5--4--3--2--...hope they aren't in a bad mood?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


The memory of 911 is still very vivid to me, as it should be to every American. I wonder how many are letting this event fade into the sunset. Remembering where I was during the time, I was working an International Convention at the Colorado Convention Center. With many participants having family that worked and lived in Manhattan, wanting to get home and were stuck having to find alternate travel to get back. Many large screens were put up to keep everyone informed of what was happening. My sister in law told of how she heard about the plane hitting the building as she worked inside only a few blocks from ground zero and how she had walked into work not that long beforehand wondering how a plane could do this on such a clear day.

This also being the date that my ex left me for floozy while working the Dave Matthews benefit concert at Red Rocks. It makes this date all the more uglier. Actually it was a good thing that it all happened, or was finally out in the open rather than sneaking around behind my back, no telling how much longer all the crap would have been going on.

September 11th, yes, is a very significant date to me on so many levels.

Bless all of the troops fighting for our freedoms and security and keeping us safe in this dangerous world.

I am so very proud to be an American.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Natural Birth

I attended a conference reviewing natural birth verses inductions and C/Sections. I really enjoyed the wealth of information and seeing people that I hadn't seen in a long time, along with many that I work with every day. There were many good speakers and it was fun knowing alot of the speakers being in the business for so long.
I had to laugh at myself through part of the talk, as while they were talking about the natural progression of the birth process, I was secretly thinking about how much I like taking care of the patients that have lots of problems needing IV's, monitors and that have many issues.
While it's good to have a normal healthy birth experience, I think it's the feeling that I get knowing I'm making that important difference for that mom and her family.
For those laboring mom's that truly have a natural birth, there still are many things that a nurse can do to enhance her experience. It's nice to have that variety in laboring patients to choose from.