This is an insult to all brave service men, women, their families and to those of us that have a brain.
The First Amendment gives the City of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money. I hope all federal funds are held, this display of unpatriotic BS is outrageous. To not want to allow the Marines in this city to have a recruitment center is so very wrong.
For the City Council to allow this Code Pink hate group to park on a city street unapposed in front of the Marine Recruitment Center showing their support for Code Pink's beliefs is Ridiculous. Plus the preferential treatment given to this group, others may want to have this parking space but are denied because of it being given freely to Code Pink.
I do believe in the freedom of speech, however this location blocks traffic as well, see photo below it's ridiculous. To also be allowed a foghorn is more than distracting I'm sure to traffic and other pedestrians wanting to pass by.
By protesting in this manner those that want to join in our military, are prevented/blocked by these protesters stomping all over their rights to enter. You can compare this type of protesting to the pro life supporters blocking those wanting to go into Planned Parenthood.
Different cause, same ideology, except here there are no limits to how close they can get......

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