It's a good thing I wasn't there, how dare she bad mouth my kids.
Also changing actual events, from when R changed locks and L and his bitch took the 45 minute tour, to; boo hoo, R wouldn't let me into my own house. Oh poor me....Bullshit. Thankfully R was able to tell the truth about what actually happened.
Also L has been rewriting history regarding the drug bust et all. Terrible that there are just too many witnesses that were there that really know what happened.
Strike three you're out.
With the ugly comments made about the kids, and all of his remarks about his 'new' family, it makes me wonder about how he feels about his 'old' family. In regard to the disposition of the pistols/inheritance that he may not give to the kids as previously agreed upon, I would like to think that he hasn't gone off his rocker too far. I'm certainly seeing him very clearly now and his actions speak volumes.
At mediation I gave him these pistols, I then told him how I hoped that he would give them to the kids, with that he told me how he was still upset with our son not talking to him. So I told him how BOTH kids were having a very hard time dealing with our divorce, and then he said well S is still talking to me. I would like my kids to have a father, but he has to do alot of soul searching and rehab and get healthy. I only hope my kids are still around for him when he's ready to act/be their father again.
Oh how I wish I had bought this shirt....

you don't get alot of comments on this blog, so here is one for you. I never looked at other women or thought about any affair until you stopped being sexual when Lila was visiting. You make such a big deal about how important monogamy was to you, but I had also told you about quitting relationships in the past when the woman wasn't available for physical intimacy. It goes both ways. Unfortunately, it became easy to look for lovers when you were not available, or your responses were so limited.
How wonderful it is to be rid of you.
I write my thoughts down on this blog because I like doing so, comments are nice, but not necessary.
Right, you "never looked at other women until....blah blah blah". Well let me remind you of your propositioning Deborah (this I only learned a few weeks ago) about one month BEFORE our marriage. That she said no to you, but had she said yes you would have had sex.
To not want to "be sexual" while Lila was visiting, having only a thin wall with no sound privacy between us at the time just goes to show how insensitive you are. She was only with us for 2 days I think.
Also, monogamy IS a big deal to me. To the extent that I told you how important it was when you asked me to marry you. That I would only marry you if that were understood, and you said of course.
"but I had also told you about quitting relationships in the past when the woman wasn't available for physical intimacy. It goes both ways."
What entire BULLSHIT, what part of quitting this relationship did I miss here. That's a big part of what I'm angry about. If you were SO unhappy for SO long, why didn't you leave all those years ago?! For you to give me the false impression that you actually loved and cared for me, instead you had all these affairs behind my back. Having these affairs, one can't be committed to a relationship. Your head isn't involved, it would only be physical and not the mental merging that is so necessary to have a healthy relationship. I could have moved on and found someone that truly loved me. Unlike you who was only interested in getting his weinie waxed.
You are fond of telling folks of how you 'tried to tell me' crap, well that's more bullshit. When I asked you about the phone call that you got about one week before this last affair with your current bitch, you stood there looking me straight in the eye and told me she was weird and how she talked to everyone that way.
For you to have chosen to stay with me hearing NOW how unhappy you had been, is beyond my thinking here, and have all of these affairs, what a flaming asshole.
There's alot more to a relationship that sex, which actually makes the sex better.
"easy to look for lovers when you were not available"
oh pahleeze. Again you're blaming your bad behavior on me. To not want sex after my being asleep for hours while you spent hours speeding online with porno sites after hours then coming up to bed waking me up, gee, how romantic.
Fucking asshole that you are, to waste your life with someone that you're unhappy with. I've always felt you have one shot at life, and should enjoy every step along the way. If I had been unhappy I would have told you hey this isn't working, and wouldn't have stayed in the relationship. How dare you waste my life thinking I was building on our relationship. For all of the times I took care of you with your accidents and stood by you through thick and thin. To think how much I truly loved you.
Well I'm done with you, I wash my hands of you. Your loss.
just an additional thought here, when Lila visited us, we weren't even married yet. That was when we still lived on Pennsylvania street.
So that means you began looking at other women before we were even married.
What an asshole.
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