Soundgarden; Fell On Black Days
Whatsoever I've feared has
Come to life
Whatsoever I've fought off
Became my life
Just when everyday
Seemed to greet
Me with a smile
Sunspots have faded
And now I'm doing time
Cause I fell on
Black days
Whomsoever I've cured
I've sickened now
Whomsoever I've cradled
I've put you down
I'm a search light soul
They say but I can't
See it in the night
I'm only faking
When I get it right
Cause I fell on
Black days
How would I know
That this could be my fate
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stimulus Package
OMG, it passed 63-37. Please look at the links that I've provided to back up my comments;
I am so angry about this stimulus package. I hate that we are borrowing every penny of the $838 Billion more to add to our future generations debt. With no plan for repayment of this plan. When have you ever bought an expensive item and didn't have a payment plan outlined for you?
I feel we need to cinch up our belts during this time, not spend money we don't have or throw money at that's borrowed.
Instead of asking taxpayers for more money, I'd like to see the government cinch up it's belt.
For starters;
1) Stop giving money and services that cost billions of dollars to illegals. Regarding jobs Americans won't do, now with all the lay off's they may very well need these jobs.
Change the anchor baby law.
2) Give incentives for businesses to bring companies back into America to put Americans back to work, not handouts and a bandaid temporary solution. Stop buying stuff from sweat shops with bad working conditions and shotty workmanship. Businesses in America had high standards, how can a business in America compete with these lower standard businesses that have moved over the border to pay cheap wages, poor working conditions and consequently poor workmanship. The quality that Americans have grown to expect has gone out the perverbial window. Examples of buying childrens toys now with lead paint, poison in dog food, etc.. This just for starters. This isn't a bargain in my view, many of my friends enjoy buying goods from the likes of Walmart, this really hurts me that they don't seem to understand the big picture.
To encourage Americans to spend spend spend, is ridiculous in my mind. Looking at those who don't have the money to pay their mortgage to go out and buy big screen TV's and new cars and other big items I just don't understand. They are losing their jobs and have no way of paying for these things. I would love to have these things, but don't dare buy anything on credit, I drive an older car but it runs well, I have an old TV, but it works just fine even though it's not the high technology HDTV. I do however buy products that I've saved the money up for, rather than use credit. My parents who lived through the depression, learned a valuable lesson to not use excessive credit, and passed this on to me. I stress the word excessive here. Just look at those who have charged up thousands of items they have no way in hell of paying for, yes we'll probably bail these folks out too. When will these bailouts stop, I really don't see an end, I think the credit cards are next.
How to describe our poor, most think of poor folks as those who are homeless begging out on the street with nothing. However, many today have TV's, cell phones and many other items that cost money. They however don't elect to pay their bills, instead keep charging and buying items, while getting food stamps, health care and welfare, all free with no conditions. While others who do work hard to pay for day care and insurance and life in general don't get the help they need. I would rather help those that are trying to help themselves, and for those that expect something for nothing, who stay home because they have no one to care for their kids, what is that about? They can get day care like everyone else. To give incentives to help get these folks back on their feet and helping themselves to get into a better situation, and not all the expectations government has made them expect. We are raising 2nd and 3rd generations of welfare recipients, who don't know any other way of life sad but true. Living on the government dole is all they know. We need to break this mold that we've made. Get people wanting to be proud of who, what and how they can be a productive person, the work ethic in our country has really gone down the tubes.
Those that accept welfare, should be drug tested. Many welfare homes with parents making poor life choices are raising our future generation, often having more children to get more money from the government, not giving quality time to these kids. Many uneducated, using the system to stay on welfare, rather than trying to improve their situation and get back into mainstream society. This is wrong in my opinion seeing kids grow up with parents that make poor choices, maybe we need to look at going back to orphanages, at least children were in a safe environment. People with positive drug screens should get rehabilitation.
Bottom line, people have been buying on credit for years, instead of saving up to buy whatever it is you'd like to have. Some folks earning under $20,000 a year have been allowed to buy $400,000 homes, loans authorized by banks knowing they would have no way of paying back these loans, and we will be giving these same banks more money to throw away. And yes, let's help these folks stay in their homes, this needs to be scrutinized. With banks giving loans to folks that have no means of paying these loans back, why are we giving more money to these institutions without conditions? If this money for the stimulus was money our government already had that would be a little different, but we are borrowing every cent. To maintain this high inflation on things is wrong, we need to just let it fall now rather than try to keep it artificially high, our dollar is dropping in value every day, hell, every hour.
It seems like we're rewarding those that bought when they knew they couldn't pay it back by letting them off the hook. I don't enjoy paying my bills and living within my budget while seeing those buying all the fluff and will end up getting their credit due lessened, not fair. When other countries stop buying our debt, what will happen then, we'll probably have to pay a higher interest rate somewhere, or worse I don't want to even imagine.
Seeing this stimulus package pushed through without all of the items in the bill being reviewed is ridiculous. I don't like the threat given by Obama of the urgency, the downward spiral, without all of the pages having had time to be properly reviewed. Just this morning it was pointed out that in this bill, as in Tom Daschle's plan, the decision of which medical procedures that will be allowed or covered will be determined by other than the doctors. Just as one of the items listed, these Senators don't seem to even know what all is in this bill that they are voting on! Just this one item if left in the bill will diminish all of our quality of health care. Unbelievable.
When Obama talked about how these numbers are being arrived at, asking are these numbers being pulled out of a hat, how do they come up with these numbers for all of these programs. Last week Greta Van Susteren on Fox news asked that same question about how these figures are being arrived at without getting an answer. I'd still like to learn how these numbers were arrived at, and still waiting.
Obama also wants to give $20 million to Hamas controlled Gaza, more borrowed money. I am so very angry at our government being kidnapped from the American people, on both sides of the isle. All of Congress is infested with the good old boys making bad decisions and policy that sickens me. Give proper incentives.
Obama talked of hope and change, (see video below)
All I've seen is more of the same with Obama putting all the same old guys in place again. I am very worried for our country, we are in a very desperate time and I feel so bottled up, while I have a voice, it's not being heard. Many that voted for Obama didn't have a grasp of what is really going on, which is very frightening to say the least.
I am very worried about our country. Just watch, the gun issue will be next. One more thing, many have said to me, what am I worried about, only the top 10% will be taxed, well to them if they don't realize that those being taxed will pass on the costs of products and services to us to pay for this increase, what do you really think, that they will suck it up? Hell no, we will be the ones to pay for all of this crap. To create jobs is one thing, but all of the extra items in this bill really aren't necessary, I don't mean to be all doom and gloom, but I haven't seen much else these days.
End rant.
I am so angry about this stimulus package. I hate that we are borrowing every penny of the $838 Billion more to add to our future generations debt. With no plan for repayment of this plan. When have you ever bought an expensive item and didn't have a payment plan outlined for you?
I feel we need to cinch up our belts during this time, not spend money we don't have or throw money at that's borrowed.
Instead of asking taxpayers for more money, I'd like to see the government cinch up it's belt.
For starters;
1) Stop giving money and services that cost billions of dollars to illegals. Regarding jobs Americans won't do, now with all the lay off's they may very well need these jobs.
Change the anchor baby law.
2) Give incentives for businesses to bring companies back into America to put Americans back to work, not handouts and a bandaid temporary solution. Stop buying stuff from sweat shops with bad working conditions and shotty workmanship. Businesses in America had high standards, how can a business in America compete with these lower standard businesses that have moved over the border to pay cheap wages, poor working conditions and consequently poor workmanship. The quality that Americans have grown to expect has gone out the perverbial window. Examples of buying childrens toys now with lead paint, poison in dog food, etc.. This just for starters. This isn't a bargain in my view, many of my friends enjoy buying goods from the likes of Walmart, this really hurts me that they don't seem to understand the big picture.
To encourage Americans to spend spend spend, is ridiculous in my mind. Looking at those who don't have the money to pay their mortgage to go out and buy big screen TV's and new cars and other big items I just don't understand. They are losing their jobs and have no way of paying for these things. I would love to have these things, but don't dare buy anything on credit, I drive an older car but it runs well, I have an old TV, but it works just fine even though it's not the high technology HDTV. I do however buy products that I've saved the money up for, rather than use credit. My parents who lived through the depression, learned a valuable lesson to not use excessive credit, and passed this on to me. I stress the word excessive here. Just look at those who have charged up thousands of items they have no way in hell of paying for, yes we'll probably bail these folks out too. When will these bailouts stop, I really don't see an end, I think the credit cards are next.
How to describe our poor, most think of poor folks as those who are homeless begging out on the street with nothing. However, many today have TV's, cell phones and many other items that cost money. They however don't elect to pay their bills, instead keep charging and buying items, while getting food stamps, health care and welfare, all free with no conditions. While others who do work hard to pay for day care and insurance and life in general don't get the help they need. I would rather help those that are trying to help themselves, and for those that expect something for nothing, who stay home because they have no one to care for their kids, what is that about? They can get day care like everyone else. To give incentives to help get these folks back on their feet and helping themselves to get into a better situation, and not all the expectations government has made them expect. We are raising 2nd and 3rd generations of welfare recipients, who don't know any other way of life sad but true. Living on the government dole is all they know. We need to break this mold that we've made. Get people wanting to be proud of who, what and how they can be a productive person, the work ethic in our country has really gone down the tubes.
Those that accept welfare, should be drug tested. Many welfare homes with parents making poor life choices are raising our future generation, often having more children to get more money from the government, not giving quality time to these kids. Many uneducated, using the system to stay on welfare, rather than trying to improve their situation and get back into mainstream society. This is wrong in my opinion seeing kids grow up with parents that make poor choices, maybe we need to look at going back to orphanages, at least children were in a safe environment. People with positive drug screens should get rehabilitation.
Bottom line, people have been buying on credit for years, instead of saving up to buy whatever it is you'd like to have. Some folks earning under $20,000 a year have been allowed to buy $400,000 homes, loans authorized by banks knowing they would have no way of paying back these loans, and we will be giving these same banks more money to throw away. And yes, let's help these folks stay in their homes, this needs to be scrutinized. With banks giving loans to folks that have no means of paying these loans back, why are we giving more money to these institutions without conditions? If this money for the stimulus was money our government already had that would be a little different, but we are borrowing every cent. To maintain this high inflation on things is wrong, we need to just let it fall now rather than try to keep it artificially high, our dollar is dropping in value every day, hell, every hour.
It seems like we're rewarding those that bought when they knew they couldn't pay it back by letting them off the hook. I don't enjoy paying my bills and living within my budget while seeing those buying all the fluff and will end up getting their credit due lessened, not fair. When other countries stop buying our debt, what will happen then, we'll probably have to pay a higher interest rate somewhere, or worse I don't want to even imagine.
Seeing this stimulus package pushed through without all of the items in the bill being reviewed is ridiculous. I don't like the threat given by Obama of the urgency, the downward spiral, without all of the pages having had time to be properly reviewed. Just this morning it was pointed out that in this bill, as in Tom Daschle's plan, the decision of which medical procedures that will be allowed or covered will be determined by other than the doctors. Just as one of the items listed, these Senators don't seem to even know what all is in this bill that they are voting on! Just this one item if left in the bill will diminish all of our quality of health care. Unbelievable.
When Obama talked about how these numbers are being arrived at, asking are these numbers being pulled out of a hat, how do they come up with these numbers for all of these programs. Last week Greta Van Susteren on Fox news asked that same question about how these figures are being arrived at without getting an answer. I'd still like to learn how these numbers were arrived at, and still waiting.
Obama also wants to give $20 million to Hamas controlled Gaza, more borrowed money. I am so very angry at our government being kidnapped from the American people, on both sides of the isle. All of Congress is infested with the good old boys making bad decisions and policy that sickens me. Give proper incentives.
Obama talked of hope and change, (see video below)
All I've seen is more of the same with Obama putting all the same old guys in place again. I am very worried for our country, we are in a very desperate time and I feel so bottled up, while I have a voice, it's not being heard. Many that voted for Obama didn't have a grasp of what is really going on, which is very frightening to say the least.
I am very worried about our country. Just watch, the gun issue will be next. One more thing, many have said to me, what am I worried about, only the top 10% will be taxed, well to them if they don't realize that those being taxed will pass on the costs of products and services to us to pay for this increase, what do you really think, that they will suck it up? Hell no, we will be the ones to pay for all of this crap. To create jobs is one thing, but all of the extra items in this bill really aren't necessary, I don't mean to be all doom and gloom, but I haven't seen much else these days.
End rant.
Monday, February 02, 2009
Catch Up Time

Now that I'm starting to feel better I can work on some of the projects that I have planned around the house. Starting of course on the inside ;) So excuse me while I roll up my sleeves lol.
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