Thursday, November 22, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Went on Vacation to Lake Tahoe a few weeks back and had the best time. Listened to the Lone Survivor a book on tape, just riveting. Enjoyed the family tremendously, got out on the Lake and I even won the Blackjack tournament, me! The one who doesn't like to gamble! While all the family was joining in, I thought it would be fun and just had the best luck. My brother helped me know how to split my last hand which ended up winning the tournament. While in the casino's, our whole family would be at the roulette table and I kept betting on the number 25, (that's when my divorce was final). It hit several times along with other dates or numbers. We all came away winners, but you have to respect the reality that one could lose everything.
We camped out in tents some in RV's all being together at the campground and it was just great. Pancakes always taste good in camp and the time just went by too quickly. We had a campfire, with marshmallows and of course s'mores, the ritual Miniature golf, although some also went to the real golf course and had a great time as well. Walked through the craft faire that they have there every year, tasted delicious fresh squeezed lemonade, and did the all you can eat buffet more than once being all together. Spent alot of time on the lake, and the swimming pool too.
Crater Lake

After Tahoe, we drove up to Oregon, and I was able to see many friends. It was a last minute decision going to Oregon, but everything worked out. Saw everyone pretty much just except for a few folks. On our way to Oregon we went via Crater Lake, what a beautiful place, it still had snow there.
We only had three days, the first day we walked around Eugene a bit, a really great place, had lunch with John, then out to see Archie and Lila for the best coffee, then later had pizza and beer with John and Kathy and their nephew Bobby Lynn, (Bob and Judy's son). Then went to some of my old haunts with Anne and Dave, Max's and Taylors to name a few. The next day we drove out to Dexter to see Sean and Patrick then had lunch back in Eugene with Marykate at the 5TH Street Market, then out to Veneta to an artsy carnival that Mike and Jenny were in charge of, lots of great live music then we drove back to North Eugene for dinner out with Skip. The next day we went out to the coast and spent alot of time playing on the beach at different places. Stopped at Yachats and had some great sea food there, then drove back to Eugene and spent the night at Barb's house. Leaving the next day we got a late start we stopped in Sisters to see Linda and then started the long haul back to Colorado. We did it in two days though this time. We knew we were getting closer to Denver when we started seeing mostly all Subaru's lol.
What a great trip it was, now back to work. I have to organize all of my photos and that will be alot of work but fun going through the pictures.
Friday, July 06, 2007

Monday, June 04, 2007
She was so excited when she called me, and I am so happy for her.
I wish for good health throughout this pregnancy.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Anyway, I was feeling very cold at home thinking it was just because it was cold outside, so I got under the electric blanket and felt better. In hind sight, I had an extremely high fever and was chilling. Not wanting to pay the high copay if I went to the ER, I waited until Tuesday since it was a 3 day weekend, to be seen and get the necessary antibiotics to start taking. Allowing the infection more time to fester and get truly out of hand was horrible and I got extremely sick. I am much better now but man did it knock me for a loop. While I'm feeling better, I'm still feeling very drained and just tired. Next time if I feel I'm coming down with something, I'll bite the bullet and pay the higher copay and go into the ER.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have the most interesting fish, it hurt me losing a few fish with the recent power outage we had recently. But it's probably a good thing with how fast they have been growing.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Mother's Day

Rereading this I noticed that I keep referring to my kids as "kids". I must say they are wonderful young adults in their own right these days. So I shouldn't refer to them as kids. I do believe they will each change the world for the better in their own special way. Actually I feel as if they already have in some ways ;)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Birthday Surprise!
I am still whelmed. First to be remembered, as when a person gets older, celebrations seem to fade and dates are forgotten usually. So being remembered with a phone call was wonderful, but then to be given presents along with cake and ice cream was really great.
I have the best family and friends, thank you.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
May Day Baby!

Did I mention energy? That too!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
The Circle Of Life

John Barb me and Skip

Fennelli . me . Barb . John . Barb
John Barb and Barb

A more recent photo;
I'm happy to say that I've lost weight since that picture was taken.

Sean . Barb . me . Barb
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Kurt Vonnegut
I loved many of his writings. Time to get them out and reread a few....
I Did It!
Also today a real sense of accomplishment, I was able to deal with my phone and computer not working properly and I was able to fix it by troubleshooting using only me. I was having trouble going online and I fixed it! Yay!
Also anticipating this big spring storm that's coming in, I've prepared for it and that's also a great feeling.
So there! Not much else, but today has been a very good day. I'm still riding high from last week's April Fools joke too ;)
Sunday, April 01, 2007
April Fool's Day In Action
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day....

Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Long And Winding Road....

Well, everything is okay, or my new saying of "it's all good" is appropriate here.
While driving home last night from work, I fell asleep. I awoke when I hit an orange construction barrel driving up the mouth of the canyon.
Pretty scary, I usually pull over to take a nap, but with the snow there was no areas to pull over so I was planning on waiting until after I got through the construction area and then pulling over. I hit two of the barrels before I was able to steer the car back into my lane, meanwhile I must have scared the you know what out of the guy behind me.
My car is okay too thankfully. I don't plan to pick up anymore late night shifts, only day shifts.
Crazy Weather
Last week there were several ground blizzards that made the drive home interesting. All was good, but a bit scary that other cars may not see me, or me them.
I have wonderful neighbors, my driveway not only has been plowed, but nicely groomed to access my steps and dumpster.
With my southern exposure, my livingroom is toasty warm with the sunshine, and it enables me to enjoy looking out to the beautiful snow, while sitting in a sunny spot drinking a tasty brew.