Saturday, January 07, 2006


I went shopping today with my daughter, and just had the best time. Insane sales on items that are really needed, and having everything look great on her made it easy.

Now Take A Deep Breath

Walking out to my car this afternoon after being in a store for a little over an hour, I found a dent in my car. Man am I pissed off about that. Someone's karma is in a bucket now. I'd like to kick that bucket however.
I'm visiting a friend tomorrow and his job is repairing dents and things, hopefully he'll be able to fix it for not too much money.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

What a great week. With both kids home it was just the best.
After the party last night and the kids 'skating the lake' to celebrate the New Year, we all gathered and visited and continued enjoying each others company and being all together.
We all said our goodbyes, and well wishes for 2006, then started on our trek home.
After driving home, then packing, we started off for the airport. To need to be at the airport 2 hours before a flight isn't very fun. He dozed a bit on the way to the airport, and I dozed on the way back home from the airport. No, but I did have to pull over to take a nap before I made it all the way home though.
I hope for 2006 to be a fresh beginning. That all of the strife in the Middle East and throughout the world become a better place. On my homefront as well, that loved ones be held close and cherished, and nurtured in their health and good will. That family and friends continue to support, love and honor each other and grow ever stronger in their ties and convictions.
To keep on a positive path, with smart direction, guided by love of good friends and family.
Wow, the one year mark for this blog, may it's journal help me to see my strengths and help me through rough times. To see clearly, and remember the good times as well.
I lost the weight last year, now this year to continue to keep the weight off and firm up with exercising. Take good care of my health mentally and physically. Keeping a strong focus on life in general.